I guess the town could emulate them and shut off their water, gas and electrical service on Sundays. So the utilities wouldn't have to work on sunday.

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The operant question right now is: how much of the town is willing to go toe-to-toe with this church, face them down and say, bluntly, NO. You do NOT get to tell us how to conduct our business, on Sunday or any other day of the week.

This is how you confront a bully: with strength and determination. I sincerely hope the people of Norwich have those qualities.

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The way minister visits businesses open on Sundays and threatens them sounds a lot like the mafia. To get away with that crap they must have a pretty sizeable percentage of the towns population. The rest of the town are being wimps, if the church members take to active demonization, then then it's time for payback, turn them into pariahs, use social media to it's offensive best. Ridicule and open contempt work pretty well, like stop calling the minister reverend or whatever, start using Don, call him the capo, say they're spreading the Goodfella News, reverse the boycott, let business owner members know you're using Amazon or the next town instead of their business. They could have a lot of fun with enough courage and the right attitude, taking it to the mattresses, going after this thing of theirs, let'em know they're not gonna let a bunch of goombahs shake them down anymore.

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"...demonize any businesses that ignore their threats (leaving bad reviews, spreading rumors about them, etc)..."

Lying for Jesus, par for the course.

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Isn't it supposed to be Saturday?

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Christians whine about being disliked, but they're the ones who are bound and determined to make enemies by their jackass behavior. We could ignore them if they simply lived their lives and stopped messing with everyone else's.

But then again, Christians need enemies to fight, so they create them and then yell "PERSECUTION!" when they are challenged.


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I want someone to remind pastors if work is prohibited on Sunday churches should stay close too, after all they are payed (tithes or salary) so legally it's work.

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May 14, 2023·edited May 14, 2023

Assuming there's a sizeable population of non-church-goers, I recommend either:

"15% off everything Sundays."


"Free donut with every $10 of sales. Keepin' it holey."

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"I know people that have tried to open businesses and be open on a Sunday and they've been visited by the minister saying, 'if you stay open on Sunday … you'll be out of business.'"

Can someone please explain to me how that doesn't constitute criminal extortion? I honestly don't know a thing about extortion law in Canada, but if they have such laws at all, that's got to be actionable. And seeing a church busted for extortion would be so damn sweet.

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"If you stay open on Sunday, you'll be out of business."

Funny, but in light of the downward spiral of church attendance and the rise of "nones," we could say the very same thing to ministers.

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This opens the door to some cross-swinging ammosexual waltzing into a business establishment and executing everyone inside for "violating" the Sabbath.

(At least it would in the US)

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Who died and made them boss besides "God?"

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Usually it's just threats of hellfire. Actual racketeering? Why am I not surprised at this escalation?

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Nice business you have here, be a shame if something happened to it.

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The obvious comment is churches should be closed on Saturday and Sunday. Since because both days are the sabbath, churches shouldn’t do the business of proselytizing on the sabbath.

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Ah yes, threatening people who aren't Christian to follow Christian rules. A very christian thing to do, although very unchristlike. Good job, Canada, you're one step closer to the US wanting to annex you.

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