"In a weak moment, he did not pick up those weapons, he believed in the lie and he took his own life."

Weak moment my ass. I am disgusted by these preachers behaving badly. To be that willfully ignorant of what depression can do to someone, and to call it weak and selfish is reprehensible, at minimum. Fuck this asshole.

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"Mo had all the weapons available to you, to me and to anyone else to combat the lies of the enemy in that moment. In a weak moment, he did not pick up those weapons, he believed in the lie and he took his own life."

Of course they are going to blame the suicide victim for their own suicide. These are the same people that blame poor people for not believing in god enough to be rich and the sick people for not having enough faith to be healed. If people reach out to people like this and ask for help with their depression they will be told to suck it up and believe more and all will be well. When that inevitably fails, no one questions whether they gave people like Mo the right advice, they blame it on Mo for falling for the enemies lies. They can't even take responsibility for not taking care of one of their own. It's sad that their need for god's message to remain perfect outweighs their need to care for their fellow christians.

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500+ @ 50k each is over 25 million dollars that could be better spent in making sure abuse victims are getting the help they need, feeding the poor and housing the homeless instead of planting churches in areas that almost certainly have existing churches in what they will no doubt refer to as a christian nation. And all of it coming from a group that can't even believably pay lip service to the idea of ending abuse. That anyone finds this intelligent and credible is amazing and the fact that billions are fine with it is terrifying.

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“… I think that needs to be exposed. My concern is, the moment we live in lumps guys into that category who don’t belong there.”

“He didn’t need to say that last line. But he did. Instead of just saying those bad apples needed to be eradicated from white evangelical culture, he tossed in an additional comment about how our culture goes too far in accusing people of abuse.”

Because he doesn’t believe most of what is abuse is actually abusive. Half of what these preachers do as abuse is straight from their dogma, the other half has been excused and ignored by our society for generations. Even when something is obviously abuse and criminal, it takes years of debate and societal shifts to litigate. Marital rape became criminal in all fifty states only in 1993, after an incredibly extreme case was litigated on television and there are still people who claim there’s no such thing as marital rape. It is mainly because the same type of people in power who put the abuse in place are still in power to keep the abuse normalized. They are defending their abuse because they don’t want to be held accountable for it and they don’t want to change their ways, they just want to continue to get away with it. This exact situation is a microcosm of the overall issue.

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If there was any doubt that the Christian religion is fundamentally broken, its own adherents keep demonstrating that fact.

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Jan 12, 2022·edited Jan 12, 2022

Church planting? Sounds like an agenda.

You know....that thing Christians accuse LGBTQs and others of having but can never show any evidence of.

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"...lumps guys into that category who don’t belong there."

Name one.

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Fuck you SuckStack.

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“For example, Acts 29 was founded by Mark Driscoll, the spiritually abusive, misogynistic, plagiarizing internet troll.”

Lest we forget, this is the same scumbag who referred to women as “penis homes”.

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But he doesn't have to worry about the complaints against him as he knows that he is forgiven in gawds eyes.

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Jan 12, 2022·edited Jan 13, 2022

Yet another sad chapter in the never-ending story of religious malfeasance. I would say that they seem incapable of learning except I suspect that the pressures not to learn in order to keep the revenue stream flowing are too great.

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Jan 13, 2022·edited Jan 13, 2022

OT : I am watching a musical program on TV. Traditional Middle East and African instruments mixed with Middle Age/Renaissance westerners ones and Arab/Berber singers Music has really no frontier.

Edit for Zorg : I was finally able to activate the captions. The icon with the settings didn't appear the first few times I loaded the video.

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Over on the Christianity Today FB forum, this article is also getting a shellacking from many of the posters for the same reasons given by Hemant and others in the comments below.

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"planting churches".....like planting bombs, but ultimately far more damaging.

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Jan 13, 2022·edited Jan 13, 2022

OT - Flex Mentallo is in the American version of Ghosts.


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