"What district policy did the Satanists violate?"

5.b.(iii): Thou shalt not offend ignorant snowflakes.

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Why do I get the feeling that if a bomb threat was called in against the "Good News" Club, the perp would be caught in about 15 minutes.

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“ Notice, too, that no representative of the Good News Club (or any Christian group in the district) has so far spoken out in defense of the Satanists. They haven’t said the decision is appalling and that they will be proud to lend their time and space to the other group in the name of religious freedom.”

Of course they didn’t, Christians typically don’t think religious freedom applies to anything they find ‘satanic’. Hopefully this keeps being words and not real bombs.

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My newspaper became one of the ones taking the head of Scott Adams of the Klan Adams ("Dilbert" cartoon) for vile racist comments he made. Effective tomorrow, "Dilbert" is off the air here.

Good on ya, ST.

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"Superintendent Jaime] Vlasaty"

Blaming the victims, she is probably a good law abiding christian. Luckily for Pennsylvania she is not a DA or a judge 🙄

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I read their policies. Section 5.E (Insurance requirement). My guess is they didn't have any proof of insurance). https://www.svpanthers.org/site/default.aspx?PageType=3&DomainID=666&ModuleInstanceID=4202&ViewID=6446EE88-D30C-497E-9316-3F8874B3E108&RenderLoc=0&FlexDataID=5906&PageID=1203&Comments=true

Insurance – Each organization using District facilities will be required to furnish a certificate of

insurance with minimum coverage providing not less than $1,000,000 limit per occurrence for

bodily injury and/or property damage liability.​

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How very Christian of them. Make up slander against someone, to villainies them, fear monger to encourage violence when they show up, act shocked when violence is threatened or happens, blame the victim of the violence and find ways to exclude the victims. It’s the same playbook for ASS clubs as the LGBT community, Drag Queen story hour, people of color and any other marginalized community.

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More proof that anti-Satanist are dangerous violent people.

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All right, all right, let's settle down here. The meeting of the Society of Invertebrate Homo Stupidicus will now come to order...

Man ... some people just can't find their backbone at all, can they? Never mind being able to look past the veneer and realize what an organization which is superficially unusual really has to offer. Yeah, there's a part of me that still thinks that TST is pissing into the wind with the whole Satan thing, but I DO see past the surface, because I can be bothered to. What astonishes me is how few apparently have the same capacity in the Keystone State, or perhaps maybe even go to the mat for After School Satan.

Seems to me to be a case of SSDD – Same STUPIDITY, Different Day – and I'm not especially hopeful for the future on this topic.

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Am I the only one who thinks the superintendent sounds like she really, really wanted an excuse to ban the club? And that maybe, just maybe whoever called in the threat was in cahoots with her?* Hey, nothing affirms your belief that your god is "almighty" more than admitting someone has to do his work for him.

But that's modern America for you. Reason, compassion and human decency require extra security, but superstition and bigotry are free to run rampant over people's lives--including the lives (and minds) of kids. How could anyone possibly doubt this is The Greatest Country in the World™?

*Call me skeptic.

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Feb 26, 2023·edited Feb 26, 2023

News Flash: "Omnipotent, Omniscient God Jesus Resorts to Bomb Threats to Protect His Reputation Against After School Club." Film at 11.

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Look, Jesus preaches love and forgiveness, but when it comes down to protecting Christianity, Inc. a bomb threat is perfectly acceptable. It says that in the Bible, right?

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My first job out of college was as a claims authorizer at Social Security. The first thing we learned on the first day of our training was the body of law governing our position and the agency as a whole. Then in the 90s I served a term on the at-large governing committee of the National Writers Union, and again the first thing new members were exposed to on our first day of orientation was the law governing union activities. Why the hell isn't there a similar requirement for school superintendents? Oh, that's right..."local control of education," i.e. schools can do any damn thing they want, overrides everything else in this benighted country.

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That does it. I'm going to post their Seven Fundamental Tenets in my classroom. I should've done it long ago.

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Threats of violence from the Religion of Love to enforce their will on others.

Been that way for nearly the whole of Christianity's history. They are religious terrorists and should be treated as such.

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