Christians have so far failed to explain how Satan is supposed to be the evil one when their own god is responsible for so much evil on his own. Throughout the Bible we see him committing and/or ordering others to commit heinous atrocities.

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OT: Sad news We all heard that Glenn Beck has Covid, and it is in his lungs, but, before you get your hopes up you should know he is taking Ivermectin. This means he will definitely survive unless it has a poor interaction with any remaining Dorito dust that is still in his pores from his attempt to mock a 2016 presidential candidate which is the only reason he is making sure that people know his treatment details today.

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"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

Jesus, who allegedly had the power of a god, never freed a single slave while he supposedly walked the earth. Not only that, he gave instructions on how to beat slaves (including slaves who weren't doing anything wrong). His disciples told slaves to obey their masters.

The claim that "Jesus will free you" has no more validity than "Arbeit Macht Frei."

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"I doubt Satanists are worried about catching hell."

Go to Heaven!

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"That’s what these Christians can’t handle. They can’t cope with children thinking for themselves."

They never got that far in the flyer. They stopped reading after the word Satan, because Satan is a thought stopper. Once they know that Satan is involved then it is bad. It doesn't matter if Satan is solving world hunger and homelessness while curing all diseases and bringing an ever lasting peace, it must be opposed because Satan. Any response but the kneejerk "Satan is bad" response will indicate a lack of faith on the part and a person to be shunned. They can't allow thinking in religion or religion would be over within months.

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One of the commenters on the daily mail article said "The only difference is a huge one.....Christian's teach their kids good morals!"Yeah hatred,bigotry and intolerance are great morals NOT!!!

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β€œwhile the laws of the state might allow such a club to meet in the public school, the laws of God do not”

The laws have nothing to do with it, this is allowed by the constitution so take you god's laws and do what you like with them, but they have ne bearing on anything in the real world.

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Hail Satan!!!

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If this were an afterschool Ashiest Club, these same people would be just as angry. The only time they wouldn't be angry, would be if it was a Christian Club. Yet we are to believe that they support "Freedom of Religion"

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Romans 1:27 - "Men committed shameful acts with other men,"

Uhhmm, they braided each other's hair?

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Once more, Christian Nationalist assholes think equal treatment under the law is persecution. Wiil they ever learn? (No. The answer is no.)

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OT. The Supreme Katlik Kangaroo Kourt of the US has stated Americans have no right to safety from covid-19 in the workplace. This from the kkkatlik hypocrites demanding safety in theirs. Meanwhile Canada obviously cares about its citizens far more than the goddamned kkkristers in this shithole. This in Quebec. https://qz.com/2112288/quebec-newly-proposed-tax-on-its-unvaccinated-is-already-working/?utm_source=YPL

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"Christians Protested a Harmless Meeting of an 'After School Satan' Club"

And were ignored? Good news for a change :).

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"β€œwhile the laws of the state might allow such a club to meet in the public school, the laws of God do not”… whatever the hell that means."

It means that they think that the words of ancient self-appointed priests and self-proclaimed prophets is the law of a god, when in fact it's the laws of those ancient men that they managed to pass off as the will of their god. As Susan B. Anthony said:

I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.

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As a bookish minority high school student in the 1980s, I would have been thrilled to have had these kinds of discussions outside of class times, but I would have been scared of the protestors and likely not shown up if I had to walk past the protesters to gain access..

Shy insecure teenaged Me wanted SO badly to conform, but thankfully I wasn't willing to pursue conformity into any religious spaces because of the many misgivings I had about their coercive practices and the number of denominations that I knew absolutely nothing about. This sort of thing would have been right up my alley and might have awakened new interests at a time that I was still trying to figure out who I was and what my interests were..

The kids who started it and who keep it going deserve props for having more bravery than teenaged me would have had. That gut level cowardice embarrasses me now. It's hard as an adult not to have regrets about the kinds of people I wanted to impress in those days, almost none of them were worth the effort. In retrospect, I believe a great many of that cabal were white Evangelicals

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"You aren't an atheist" -- When did Christians gain the ability to read minds? Wouldn't they consider that ability a form of magic, and thus a mortal sin?

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