"Jim Bob Duggar was never going to pull out of the race. He doesn't pull out of anything."


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Glad that Jim Bob lost, but the way that republican politics are going these days, the eventual winner will probably be worse.

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It's no surprise he thought he was qualified to work in government when his family is practically large enough to populate their own country. Hell, his experience as an abusive theocratic dictator is pretty much on point for the modern GOP, too!

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No comment,

Just checking in to say that I survived the move.

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So, Jenna claimed she was arrested because one of the children she was babysitting got out of the house and walked down the street when she was distracted. Who believes her?

Even if it’s true, there are other questions regarding that incident. How many children were in her care? Who else was there as an adult to help care for those children? What was her response to the missing child? How long did it take to realize he/she was missing? What precautions were in place to keep the child from going missing in the first place and why did they fail?

Personally, I don’t believe her that this was the incident she was arrested for, it seems that the police response is bigger than the incident calls for. Especially regarding such an upstanding white Christian family.

It is nice to see these folks eating their own, though.

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456 votes?

Would that be about the size of the Duggar clan?

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yup, looks like Jim done got bobbed

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"He spent $37,631 to get 456 votes — at least a good number of which presumably come from people who share his last name."

With or without the ones who are dead ?

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Aren't there any Democrats in that dang state???

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O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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You know how they always used to call Obama "Barak Hussein Obama"? It just occurred to me, Democrats should be calling Doctor Oz "Mohammed Oz" because that's pretty much his name. That'll scare the crap out of all those conservative voters.

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