Oh, BTW, where the fuck is Modus?

Oh it's so nice, it feels so good fuck,fuck fuck fuckedifuckfuck! Hey, Patheos, you suck, and you can go fuck yourself! ( EVIL LAUGHTER)

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Dec 21, 2021·edited Dec 21, 2021

So I suppose any minute now we can expect him to fully develop his conscience, realize what a parasite he had to have been on society to actually become a billionaire in the first place, and donate 90% or more of his wealth toBWAhahahahahaha nope! Damn, I *almost* got through that sentence with a straight face. Maybe next time.

*edit- No, I don't consider waiting until he dies to make the donation to be the same thing. "Maybe, someday I'll do the right thing" just doesn't cut the mustard. He doesn't need the money *now,* either.

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He may be out for now, but the Mormons will bring him back in after he dies.

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So is he now a religious "none", or has he joined a different church? I agree with him totally, but I think that it's not just Mormonism that causes active harm in the world, it's Organized Religion in general and Fundamentalist religion most specifically. It would take trillions to undo the harm caused by Christianity alone.

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Dec 22, 2021·edited Dec 22, 2021

All those words he uses to describe them, not limited to JUST mormons.

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hell yea, my kind of guy

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Technical question/OT/

Do you guys also have to subscribe every time anew when you want to comment on a new post of FA? Or when you want to read new comments on an older thread? ;-(

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Sometimes, albeit very rarely, even those within churches see the light. It does happen.

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The SBC is just as guilty. There’s a reason all of our energies in religious institutions are focused on the faults of “those people”. It’s the great distraction. Perhaps there is nothing more evil than pretense and denial…

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Mormons should take this personally and seek alternative solutions for their religious-osity. The special undies may hinder. Smith was a fucking nutter. If yr angry yr in way too deep.

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Dec 22, 2021·edited Dec 22, 2021

I was going to post this tomorrow, but since a few people are around:

OT - Xmas cartoons have gone X-rated.

I watched Santa Inc. e04 tonight and there was a catholic pedophile joke in it.

In e03 there was a gay sex scene with full frontal and full backal(?) male nudity. Then later in the episode, the main character's mother was running around buck naked.*

* Not to be confused with George Costanza.

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I’m still suffering from toxic programming from the stupid organization called Mormonism. I gave them my all, (nearly killed me as a missionary) and they dumped me the first chance I was a financial liability sick with parasites from the Mission I was giving my all to. 100% Member until the week I left, for 43 years. 💔 Religion is Humanity’s biggest Con!

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Where is this guy with regard to Trump and vaccines? Huh?

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"...along with nearly a dozen family members." Four of them are his wife.

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Someone's grasping what should have always been to begin with finally.

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If you think about it, it is severely white- savorist to send 18 and 19 year old sheltered white kids around the world to convert people to Christianity. Especially in third world countries that were already christianized by colonization. I know people who encountered them and they were shocked they knew the Bible. Very civilizing the savages. They should cancel that too.

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