I resent GiveFundGo holding themselves out as a "Christian" crowdfunder. Since when do Christians have a monopoly on honesty?

I was scammed several times by a man who fronted a business in my name without my knowledge and permission in Orlando, Tampa, Asheville, and Nashville to dupe Christians for fundraisers. Ironically, his first name was Angel.

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I feel uneasy whenever anyone uses "cult" or "cultist" in a pejorative vein. We need to admit that our country was founded by cults and that the basic fabric of the United States is a fabric of cults--many good, some bad.

Atheists like us are a cult, perhaps the largest cult. So were/are the Pilgrims, the Jews, the Shakers, the Mennonites, the Quakers, the Catholics, the Red Cross, the US Senate, etc. To slam one's detractors as a cult is also a form of bigotry.

Note that the Religious Tolerance Act of 1649 came about in the early days of enclaved settlements by several cults who could not tolerate each other, much less cooperate amidst the threats of surviving disease, the Indians, the weather, etc. Eventually, they decided not to cruelly punish and kill each other over religious differences. But the Act exempted Jews and atheists from this protection.

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